BDSM Dynamics and Gay Sex Toys

As a gay sex toy shop, we know how many men buy BDSM related toys – it’s a lot! And we can completely understand why! To find the full range of our gay sex toys please click here

BDSM Gay Sex Toys

BDSM is a broad all-encompassing term that can mean different things to different people, one of the things men worry about most when it comes to BDSM is the dynamic between the people engaging in the sexy fun. This term has been coined as BDSM dynamics and you want to ensure you understand them so you can make them work to your advantage. Gay Sex Toys can really enhance any of your BDSM play and we would encourage you to use them in all sorts of innovative ways!

What is the BDSM Dynamic

This mainly refers to the way in which the men within a BDSM relationship relate to each other, this can be an ongoing monogamous relationship or just a one-night fling. The dynamics between the people enjoying the BDSM fun is important so that each of them enjoys the experience and does not get left out or disappointed by the way they play. This often related to the role each man takes when enjoying BDSM sex, it can be dominant or submissive, master and slave and owner and pet are all common roles BDSM partners take on to make this delicious sex play possible.

Deciding what to call each other, whether for one night, or for a long relationship sets the boundaries of what is expected of each person and the roles they will perform. This is in no way set in stone and can mean different things to different people. What you don’t want to happen id to have two subs, or two doms together as inevitably this will lave one of the partners unsatisfied.

A lot of what goes on in BDSM is not necessarily the actions but the thoughts and feelings around it, so what you call each other is important. Perhaps you want to be called a slut and used and abused as your master sees fit, this is different to be called baby or other softer term, but both are equally submissive.

Are there any Rules

In the BDSM dynamic the only rules are really the ones you set yourself, if you are with a long term partner or even a sexy gay escort then you can be specific about the role play you are engaging in and make a specific scenario making it obvious who does what and when. A set of rules for in and out the bedroom however are a good idea and what is said in BDSM needs to stay within those boundaries as who you may be outside of that environment is completely different to your needs within it.

Many high-powered men with lots of responsibilities love the freedom of being a slave in the BDSM environment gives them, but they would never react like this in their day to day lives and this is completely fine.

Finding a BDSM partner

If you are not in a relationship but love BDSM sex, there are a few routes you can go down to find the perfect BDSM partner. Finding a gay escort on means you can ask for exactly what you want out of your date with them without having to reciprocate in any way. In this instance your BDSM experience would be all about you.